Free Software

I said "goodbye" to M$ Windows and (most) proprietary software a while ago. I am now running Debian-Linux on my computer, and I am mainly using:

  • KDE as my desktop
  • OpenOffice as Office application
  • Scribus for Desktop publishing
  • and Debian on my nice little Zaurus SL C3200 (which has been retired by now)
  • and a lot of other stuff...

... and actually it is more fun than using M$ Windows...

La Agencia Tributaria y Debian: una mierda (y soluciones)

Cualquiera persona que utiliza la distribución de Linux Debian (yo utilizo Debian Sid) y tiene que enviar datos de forma electrónica a la Agencia Tributaria va a encontrar problemas en un momento: "Error al inicializar el almacen NSS unificado de Mozilla Firefox. Error Message: No se han podido inicializar ningun almacen, interno o externo, de Firefox".



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