Social Movement Strategy

“[strategy] is how we turn what we have into what we need to get what we want. It is how we transform our resources into the power to achieve our purposes. It is the conceptual link we make between the targeting, timing, and tactics with which we mobilise and deploy resources and the outcomes we hope to achieve” (Marshall Ganz, 'Why David Sometimes Wins'). Defining strategy is like trying to hit a moving target; we can name and describe some of the elements within it (organising, messaging, an aim, the available people, skills and resources...) but it is really the interaction between all of these different elements that make strategy what it is.

  • 16/12/2014 - 15:45

    Political Jiu-jitsu or: turning the repression against itself


    On 11 December 2014 the Spanish Congress passed the so-called “Ley Mordaza” – the law on the security of the citizens – with the absolute majority of the Popular Party. So far the approval of the Senate is still requited – just a formality. The objective of this “anti-15M (Spanish indignados)” law is obvious: to limit the political space of the social movement through the criminalization of expressions of protests outside the tolerated forms.