
This page lists some of my main publications.


Nos organizamos para el cambio social. Un pequeño manual del organizing (Spanish)

This little Organizing manual is for all people who are looking for strategies and tactics to make this "something" become a part of a path towards profound social change. The main question of the manual is: How can we organise ourselves better, in order to achieve the profound social changes that are not only desired, but necessary if we want a planet worth living on in the future?

Published by La Transicionera in December 2019

Order the manual (in Spain):

Download manual (PDF) here.

More information on the manual here.


A Conscientious Objector's Guide to the International Human Rights System

This guide updates and expands the publication A Conscientious Objectors Guide to the UN Human Rights System, published jointly by War Resisters' International and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, in 2000, and compiled by Emily Miles. The initial publication was extremely useful in raising awareness about the use of the United Nations human rights system to advance the right to conscientious objection to military service, and to protect conscientious objectors from persecution.

Published by War Resisters' International in 2013

Online at

Download the guide (PDF) here.


Professional soldiers and the right to conscientious objection in the European Union

I wrote this report in 2008, as member of staff of War Resisters' International and the person responsible for the programme The Right to Refuse to Kill. The report was realised in collaboration with Tobias Pflueger, MEP.

The report provided information on military service in the member states of the European Union, with a special focus on the right to conscientious objection for professional soldiers.

Published by the parliamentary group GUE/NGL.

Download the report (PDF) here.



Contributions to books

  • The Impact of International Mechanisms in Local Cases: the example of Colombia (with Alba Milena Romero Sanabria) and Alternative Service and the Danger of Depoliticisation: lessons from Germany, In: War Resisters' International: Conscientious Objection. A Practical Companion for Movements, London, 2015 (also available in Spanish)
  • Planning nonviolent campaigns (with Joanne Sheehan) and Nonviolence and power, In: War Resisters' International: Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, 2nd edition, London, 2014 (also available in Spanish and German)
  • Queer and gender critiques of military recruitment and militarisation In: Owen Everett (ed.): Sowing Seeds: The Militarisation of Youth, and How to Counter It, War Resisters' International, 2013
  • Implementación del derecho a la objeción de conciencia, experiencias de la IRG, In: Civis Suecia: Memorias seminares internacionales sobre objeción de conciencia al servicio militar obligatorio 2010/2011, Bogotá, 2011
  • Solidarity with War Resistance in Turkey In: Howard Clark (ed): People Power. Unarmed Resistance and Transnational Solidarity. Pluto Press, 2009
  • Experiences of conscientious objection movements: South Africa, Greece and Paraguay (with Rudi Friedrich) In: Özgür Heval Çinar and Coşkun Üsterci (ed): Conscientious Objection. Resisting militarized society. Zed Books, London, 2009
  • Kommunalismus/Transnationalismus oder Agenda 21? Gibt es Anknüpfungspunkte für libertäre Politik jenseits von Nachhaltigkeit und ‘global governance’? (with Silke Kreusel), in: Graswurzelrevolution (ed.): Gewaltfreier Anarchismus: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven zur Jahrhundertwende. Heidelberg 1999
  • Geschichte der Anti-AKW-Bewegung (History of the movement against nuclear energy). In: epd-Dokumentation “Konflikte in Deutschland – zehn Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer«, No 15/1999, 12. April 1999
  • Ein Überblick über die Wirrungen der Energiewirtschaft. En: Oelschläger, Enning, Drücke (ed.): Ahaus: das Buch zum Castor. Ulm 1999
  • Sich fügen heißt lügen. Die Geschichte einer totalen Kriegsdienstverweigerung, Schriften der Erich-Mühsam-Gesellschaft. No 10, Lübeck 1995



During the last decades I published many articles in a wide range of media, in English, Spanish, and German (some translated into other languages).


Many English language articles written between 2000 and 2012 were published in the magazine Peace News. A search listing some of my articles is available at


In Spanish I mostly publish in El Salto. You can find a listing of my articles here. I usually publish them also on my website.


In German I mostly published in the anarchist magazine Graswurzelrevolution. Unfortunately there is no easy way to produce a listing of my articles which are available online.