Acompanying trans and non-binary students

Trans* and non-binary students are often less open about their identity at school or university than other LGBTIQA+ students. They also face specific challenges due to transphobia in society in general and by their peers. Even though in many countries or regions protocols exist for supporting trans* students at school, teachers and schools are often unaware, and even if they are aware, have little idea about the lived reality of trans* and non-binary students and the unique challenges they face.

These workshops or courses are aimed at equipping teachers with knowledge and tools to help them acompany trans* and non-binary students, and to reflect on their own cisgender privileges.

  • 26/01/2025 - 10:00

    The trans law includes an entire section on measures in the field of education that requires education administrations and universities to train teachers in sexual and gender diversity, but it does not appear that this specialisation exists to date.

  • 22/10/2023 - 17:05

    The Genderbread Person has been around for quite a while as a nice tool to explain gender, sex, and sexual orientation. The website has as latest version v4.0, which is from 2017, and which I feel falls short on several aspects. This is why I created version 5.0 in December 2022, and now I created this slightly improved version – version 6.0. I am aware that it will fall short on several aspects, but I feel I can explain my own gender and attraction much better using this version than version 4.0.

  • 02/09/2023 - 18:48

    Too often, gender equality is interpreted only as equality between (cis) men and (cis) women. Binary trans people, let alone non-binary, gender fluid, or agender people, are not imagined. The 'T' in LGBTIQA+ (both 'Q' - queer - and 'A' - asexual and/or aromantic - are usually omitted) is relegated to sexual diversity education. Only, the 'T' - trans - has much to do with gender identity and little to do with sexuality.