
Series Nonviolent January

PortadaManualCampanasNoviolentasWe live in a violent world. We suffer the social and environmental consequences of a capitalist economic system based in irresponsible growth. We suffer the "Ley Mordaza" (a Spanish law increasing repression of protest) and the reform of the Penal Code, the brutal politics related to "foreigners" and borders, the repressive police response to social protests... These forms of violence, within the framework of a society which in addition is hetero-patriarchal and in an open systemic crisis, makes us desire change in the direction of a nonviolent transition.


Every Tuesday of January, beginning on 12 January, and also during the workshop on Saturday, 30 January, we put the focus on the violence the system exercises and on the different nonviolent alternatives that exist as a protest or action against inequality and social injustice.


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