Series Nonviolent January
“The violence we internalize”
Collective investigation about the priviliges (conscious and inconscious) that oppress and that exist in the dinamics of power and violence.
Facilitation: Andreas Speak (Red Antimilitarista y Noviolenta de Andalucía), Jorge Ollero (Federación Enlace), Checho Ferrera Ledesma (Palabra LAB), Paqui Bonachera (Red de Decrecimiento de Sevilla), Patricia Luque (Holonautas: Facilitación de grupos y Resolución de Conflictos)
“Restaurative Justice as a nonviolent alternative to the existing penal justice system”
Using Forum Theatre we will look at a case of penal mediation, a tool which allows persons who have committed or suffered a crime to meet to decide how to repair the damage done, both, to the persons and to the relations with the broader community.
Facilitation: Marta García, mediation penal with Federación Enlace.
Presentation of the "Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns"
Social change does not just happen; it is the result of the work of committed people all over the world who struggle for justice and peace. Their work takes place in groups or cells of activists, in debates, trainings, in reflections about previous experiences, planning, experimenting and learning from other people. This handbook is a collection of ideas and experiences which are based on what people have learned using nonviolent methods in a wide range of different contexts.
Facilitation: Andreas Speck, one of the initiators of the first edition of the Handbook, and contributor to the second edition.
Workshop Design of Nonviolent Campaigns
Saturday 30 January, 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-20:00 h.
Espacio Garapa, c/ Torres 8 local Izq, 41002, Sevilla
Seen from the outside, social change seems chaotic, spontaneous or organic, accompanied by little reason or explanations. But change does not "just happen". In reality, behind many of the experiences of social movements and successful social change are activists with a high level of commitment who put a lot of their energy into planning and organising, into creating power from the grassroots, into analysing how to exercise pressure to achieve the change they want to see.
In this workshop we are going to explore how to design nonviolent strategies and campaigns, making use of a variety of tools and exercises that can help us.
Facilitation: Andreas Speck, activists in nonviolent campaigns
We invite you to bring your lunch to share.
More information:
Registration: HERE