Organizing for Social Change. Spanish language organizing manual

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Something must be done! About the war in Iraq, the war in Congo, Syria, about the racist migration policy, about the climate emergency. But is "something" really useful?
This little Organizing manual is for all people who are looking for strategies and tactics to make this "something" become a part of a path towards profound social change. The main question of the manual is: How can we organise ourselves better, in order to achieve the profound social changes that are not only desired, but necessary if we want a planet worth living on in the future?
In this sense, the handbook brings hope. Advances on issues of justice, feminism, LGBTIQA+ politics, anti-militarism and many more have been the result of powerful social movements, and we can learn from our successes (and failures) to better organise ourselves in today's social movements.
The handbook presents many of the concepts used for the first time in Spanish language. It bridges a gap between the multitude of materials on actions, and the lack of materials on strategy and campaigning that are accessible and useful for activists.

The book is divided into three parts: examples of successful social movements, theory and models of social movements useful for activists, such as US activist Bill Moyer's concept of the Movement Action Plan, German activist Felix Kolb's five causal mechanisms of social change, organising and its relationship to power and social empowerment, and practical proposals and tools for strategy development and tactical design (actions). The manual draws on the author's experience in countries such as Germany, England, Spain, the author's work with nonviolent and antimilitarist movements around the world, training in nonviolence, and research on social movements and civil resistance.

This small Organizing manual is aimed at anyone involved with collectives, campaigns and social movements, people working in NGOs, and students and teachers interested in social movements and civil resistance.

Order the handbook (in Spain):

Download the handbook (PDF) here.