Monteros to Tafi del Valle

Today was my first day of real mountains. I went from Monteros to Tafi del Vale, which is at a height of about 2000m. I left early from Monteros – at about 6:50am. The first 10km or so were easy, getting closer to the mountains.

After about 15km I began the climb, at first gently going up. After a further 15km I arrived at the monument to the Indio, where I really began to climb. Near the monument were also some shops, and I took a break and had a lemonade. I didn't stop for long though, and soon I was on the road again.

I didn't know there was an end of the world, but I have the proof now. More or less soon after the monument of the Indio I arrived at the end of the world. Nothing happened, and so I continued my climb.

Now I was really climbing, but actually, it wasn't as hard as I had thought it might be. Sometimes there was some traffic, but not that much, and the road was climbing up through the forest.

I had some more breaks to drink some water, and once also to eat some biscuits, but I didn't do any long break. Very slowly I was climbing up, and climbing. After a few hours I got to a restaurant/shop, and I stopped again to have another lemonade. Shortly after, the forest ended, and I arrived at the junction with the road to El Mollar, and the lake La Angostura.

I was now at an altitude of almost 2000m, and I continued for a few more kilometres until Tafi del Valle, which is at the other end of the lake.

I arrived in Tafi del Valle at 1:50pm – about seven hours after my departure from Monteros. While this might be a bit slow, I did this quite “relaxed”, and the climb was actually less hard than I had thought – maybe it's the bike and the gears.

In Tafi del Valle I had something typical for the region for lunch – but it was vegetarian – and I found a hostel nearby. Now I'm resting a bit – tomorrow I have to climb another 1000m to get to Amaicha del Valle.
