La Falda to La Quebrada de la Luna

Another short day. And a cloudy day, less hot. I got up again at 6:30am, and left the camping at about 7:30am. Today the cycling wasn't as hard as yesterday – I climbed up to La Cumbre (1154m) – but after that I went down much more than up until Capilla del Monte – yesterday's destination.

I arrived at Capilla del Monte at more or less 9:30am, and had a second breakfast while I thought about what to do. There were not many options. I thought the best option to get to Deán Funes – at Ruta Nacional 60 direction north – would be the Ruta Provincial 17 via Quedraba de la Luna and then via Ischilin. But …

I took the RP17 at the junction with the RN38 up to Quedraba, where there is also a very beautiful camping site – the best option for the night. But the state of the RP17 is quite bad, and to get to Deán Funes I have to continue on roads like that for another 58km … which means a quite hard day, and especially a hard day for the bicycle.

I haven't decided yet what to do. I went to the camping and rested a bit, and then went for a walk. Luckily, I bought some things for dinner in Capilla del Monte, because here is nothing to buy vegetables...
