Villa Carlos Paz to La Falda

Today was the first day when I didn't get to my planned destination. I left Villa Carlos Paz early – before 7:30am – and took the RN38 in direction north. After almost two hours I arrived to Cosquín, only more or less 20km from Villa Carlos Paz. I was going up and going down a lot, but certainly more up. In Cosquín I had a break and had a second breakfast (at 9:30am), and then I left again to continue my journey – and again going up and down.

After another almost two hours I arrived to La Falda – at about 11:30am – and quite a bit exhausted from going up and down (not so much from the going down). I stopped to have a lemonade, and then also had some lunch. Finally I decided not to continue until Capilla del Monte, my planned destination – another 30km – but to look for a camping in La Falda. This I did, and I asked at the Tourist Information, and they gave me the directions for a campsite at the lake of La Falda. The campsite is not really cheap – in fact, it is expensive – but it is quiet, and a good place to rest for the rest of the day.

If I can trust the GPS of my mobile, then I'm now on 960m. I think – again, according to the phone's GPS – that I started on 760m or so this morning. This means in total I climbed 200m.
