Alta Gracia to Villa Carlos Paz

I didn't sleep well last night, partly because their were two parties going on nearby, until 5 or 6 in the morning, with loud music. Nevertheless, I got up at 7am, and at 8am I was in the centre of Alta Gracia, and a café next to the Jesuit Estancia was just opening – they told me 10 minutes... Half an hour later, I had my breakfast – at least it was sufficiently substantial.

I left a 9am – later than planned. At first I took the direct route, but to avoid the motorway I changed at Falda del Carmen and took the route through the mountains. And so I had to climb a lot – more than I thought – until I got to the top, near the observatory.

After that, I went down a little, and turned into the road to Villa Carlos Paz. I cycled for a while, climbing and going down a bit, until shortly before Villa Icho Cruz I saw a shop next to the road. I stopped for a break and had some lemonade.

After that I went down through Villa Icho Cruz until San Antonio de Arredondo. From San Antonio until Villa Carlos Paz the road was pretty shit – lots of traffic. When I arrived to Villa Carlos Paz, I looked for the tourist information – which I found in the end – and asked for hostels or campsites. They told me that a bed in a hostel would cost 120 pesos, and so I decided to go to a campsite. Once there, I put up my tent, took a shower – and relaxed.
