Rafaela to San Francisco

Today I went from Rafaela to San Francisco, on the RN19 from Santa Fe to Córdoba. As always, I left early, and continued on Ruta Provincial 70 for another 40km, until the junction with Ruta Provincial 22. There was little traffic, and I could really enjoy cycling on this road.
When I arrived at the junction, I turned left and took Ruta Provincial 22 in direction south. I now had the wind from the front, unfortunately. Initially, the road was good, and after about 10km I arrived to the village of Bauer y Sigel, where I took a break in the shade of a house. Some neighbours asked me where I am from, what I'm doing etc... One old woman told me that her grandfather was from Switzerland, but I don't remember from which canton (but he was from the German speaking part), but she did not speak any German. Finally, they took some photos (I forgot to also take photos), and then I left. One of them accompanied me a little on his bike, until the road got so bad that I had to get off and push my bike for a little. After 15-20km I got to the village of Josefina, and a little later to the junction with RN19.
One police officer asked me where I'm from, where I'm going etc, and he told me that he too has a Trek bicycle (as I do).
I went the final 9km on RN19, a road with a lot of traffic, including lots of HGVs. I had to get off the road onto the hard shoulder several times, and the hard shoulder wasn't very good (no tarmac anyway).
I arrived to San Francisco, and went off the RN19 as soon as possible. I relaxed a bit, ate a pizza (again), and looked for a hotel, which I found more or less central, but not that cheap. I took a shower, rested a bit, and then went for a small walk through the town centre, and had a beer. Finally, I returned to my hotel to attend to my blog.
