Rage! (and insomnia)

What do I do with my rage at one o'clock at night?
I imagine going to my father's house. I guess he still lives in the house. I really don't know. I don't even know if he's still alive. I hope not. Although I'd like to know so I can celebrate.
I imagine going to his house in Germany, I imagine knocking on the door, and when he opens it, pushing him inside, hitting him. Punch him until he's unconscious.
I imagine taking a hammer and smashing the windows of every window in the fucking house.
I imagine throwing Molotov cocktails inside and watching contentedly as the flames take over the house, destroy it.
Rage! So much rage!
And what do I do with this rage at one o'clock at night?
I feel the rage in my stomach, the fury. I want to kill you, abusive father, rapist. I want to kill you. I hate you.
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
And I don't know what to do with my rage at one o'clock at night.
So, I cry. I feel my pain from your abuse, and I cry.
I cry, and I cry, and I cry.
But the rage doesn't go away. I'm left with rage at half past one at night. The rage won't let me sleep.
What do I do with my rage at half past one in the night?
What do I do with so much rage at two o'clock at night?
What do I do with so much rage at three o'clock in the evening?
What do I do with so much rage at four o'clock in the evening?
What do I do with so much rage at ....?
What do I do with so much rage?